Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How Co-sleeping Saved My Marraige

I don't know what it is about first time parents, but it seems as though everyone I talk to has a colicy baby for their first. Maybe the tiny bundles can sense our insicurity and inneptitude and they are just as worried as we are. But I'll tell you what, the first four months of Wiggles' life were long to put it mildly.

Wiggles spent the first three weeks of her existance sleeping all day and then waking up every 20 minutes all... night... long... She would scream from about 4:00pm till 9:00pm and then crash for a little. But starting at around 11:00 she would get restless. It is extremely stressfull having a baby who doesn't sleep at all. I will never forget standing in our basement bedroom (we're staying with inlaws right now. More on that later) having an argument in sobs and hisses for the sixth night in a row with my poor exhausted husband both of us in tears when we should have been sleeping for another 20 minutes. That was the last straw. This "conversation" if you want to call it that, began our co-sleeping journey. It is the first moment that I felt like a momma bear. "I'm going to do what I know is best for my family! And to you-know-where with anyone who dissaproves!" The next day Hubby went out and bought a "co-sleeper."

Our co-sleeper

Believe me, this was not a decision I made lightly. I did research that day. I looked up every rule there is for co-sleeping safely. I researched different ways and methods. And do you know what I found? 1. people have VERY strong opinions about co-sleeping. I knew for example that my parents would freak out when I told them she was sleeping in the death trap that is a queen bed. And 2. co-sleeping is really common. something like 68% of all families practice some form of co-sleeping.

For us it was a God-send, literally. the first night Wiggles slept next to me she slept for 5 hours straight. I actually woke up in the middle of the night worried about her. Since that night she has slep next to us. And slept soundly (mostly). Now that we have co-slept for a little while both Hubby and I really love it. It is so cozy to have our little family all snuggled together. It feels safe, cozy, dare I say, nautural? We liked it so much that when she started to outgrow her little co-sleeper I researched co-sleeping with bigger babies. We ended up sidecarring her crib to pur bed. Now she has her own space and I have my bed back. She still wakes up about once a night and (shhh don't tell) she does sleep right next to me for the rest of the night. I can absolutely see us co-sleeping until Wiggles is 1 1/2-2 years old. And our next little one will sleep in the co-sleeper from day one. Oh yeah, and added bonus, night time feedings are so much easier! I don't even have to wake up Hubby! Although, Wiggles is a noisy eater so that doesn't me he does sleep through her night time snack...

I guess the take away from this is do what is best for your family. As long as it's safe, remember it's your family. You know what's best for them. God gave you Momma instincts. Use them.

'Cause she's beautiful and I can.

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