Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Trip to the Pool and Down Memory Lane

On Tuesday we took Wiggles on her first swimming outing! We took her to the pool where I had my first job. I was so excited! Wiggles was clueless but I was nearly skipping.

I mean, I grew up swimming in this pool! Starting at about age five I was at this pool roughly 6 hours a day all summer long. 7am for swim team (yup, they've got swim team for littles, just for fun though, not to be competative), open swim for three hours in the afternoon (no lie) and swim lessons in the evening. Sometimes we would even stay for the evening swim were Mom and Dad would join us.

To tell the truth it wasn't just me, it was me, my sister and another pair of sisters who we met in pre-school of all places (the four of us are still extremely close to this day). The four of us were the local pool rats. It was only fitting that when I came of age (ok, when I turned 15, not exactly "of age," but it felt like a milestone) I started teaching swim lessons. I spent 6 happy summers in the pool's employ and now I am passing on that love to my little one. It was sureal and exciting.

Here's Wiggle's First reaction

She was a little unsure, but I was so gungho it didn't phase me. Here's what hapened when we went a little deeper:

I know it's small, but those are real tears.

 She was very unhappy until Mel (one of the sister friends mentioned above) brought her a fishy. Then life was a little better. Anyway, we had a great time. It was warm and sunny and I think maybe we'll have a little water baby on our hands! Well, maybe after a few more pool visits. Wiggles tends to take a little bit of time to warm up to things. She's her Mama's girl!

Family picture. 
Notice Wiggles is holding onto that toy for dear life? Flash forward to thirty seconds later when I took it away because we were leaving and there was much screaming and many tears. Poor girl. Her nap was a little too short that day and I think I had pushed her to the breaking point with all the new and exciting things we had done that day.

All in all though, it was a perfect summer day!

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