Thursday, March 14, 2013

Her Name

I have refrained from sharing Wiggle's real name with you all (whoever "you all" is), and I will probably continue to do so in the future, however, I will give you hints in tonight's post. Let's just say this: Her name means "He (God) has responded with grace". I always thought that it was because we wanted a baby and He gave her to us. Or that she would respond with grace to those whom she came across. Or that God was promising to claim her as His own in His grace. But it occurred to me as I was listening to her scream blue murder at nothing in particular for the fourth hour in a row that maybe her name is a reminder to me that I am going to need to remember to "respond with grace" to her when she is more than a little opinionated. Something to think about.

* As a side note, let me also say that I have a sweet and wonderful daughter. She laughs at everything, is cuddly and gentle, sweet and cautious and so generous with all that she has (including her prized fishy crackers). I love everything about her. Including her stubborn streak which means that, like her father, she will grow to have strong convictions and passions that will guide her life and give her joy. I know I spend a lot of time talking about what is difficult about her, but the truth is, I wouldn't change her. Mold her? Yes. Change her? Never.

Sleep well,