Sunday, November 18, 2012

A "Conversation" With My Husband

I'm trying to cook healthy meals for my family on a budget. That often means there is no meat involved in dinner (too expensive). The other night I decided to try a recipe that I found on pinterest involving quinoa, the new "it" food. Feels like a carb, works like a protien. Plus it's cheap. Hoorah! The recipie I followed was supposed to taste like mac n' cheese, except with quinoa instead of noodles. Sounds great right? Well, between beautiful fluffy picture and gloopy weird reality, something got lost in translation. I'm not even going to show you a picture to compare because I'm sure if you do it right the recipe is fantastic and I don't want to bad mouth the person who made the original. Long story short, this is a paraphrased version of the conversation between Pat and I after tasting the aforementioned mess:

Me (from the kitchen): Ummm... It looks weird... I hope it's ok?

Pat: Oh, I'm sure it's great

Me: I'm not so sure. It looks sorta funky.

Pat (takes a bite thinking he can be honest because I have already stated that it's funny looking): Um, well, it's got a funny texture. I think it's a little bitter. More cheese maybe.

Me (dejected): I know it's weird, you don't have too eat it. I bet it's really weird. Here let me try it. (pause for chewing). Yeah, it's weird

Pat (tasting the aspasugus, which he always says is fantastic, and then making a face): Um... is the asparugus under done? (Then seeing my face) I mean! It's fantastic, I love it! And you know, the quinoa mac, isn't so bad either. I mean! It's delicious. Yum!

Me (hurt face): You don't have to say that. (Takes another bite, still dejected about the hour wasted making a yucky meal.)

Pat (being an awesome husband): No really I love it!

Me (suddenly happier and able to honetly evaluate the atrocity before me): That's ok. I think it's gross. You don't have to like it. It's disgusting.

Pat (throws hands up with a slight smile): Women!

PS. Pat actually finished the whole plate! That's love I tell you. Cause friends, it was awful!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Day in the Life of Wiggles

I read a post on this blog where she (I think it was her friend actually) challenged her readers to write about one day. Just one, random day in the life of you. Well, I decided to do that, but then I realized my life isn't all that interesting or exciting. So instead, I'm going to do one day in the life of Wiggles. Mostly in pictures. so here goes. 

This is how my day starts. Mama has to take a shower
and I only nap for 45 minutes at a time,
so Mama has to shower with me in the highchair while I eat breakfast

Here's Mama's view from the shower. Hi Mama!

Mama had the nerve to try and do her hair!
She had to put me down for five whole minutes!
This makes me sad, Mama!

See? Told you Mama did her hair.
(PS. who knew my hair could do this?  I've been doing it like I do
Wiggles hair. Turns out I have really wavy hair. Who knew?!)

I spent the rest of the day touching things I shouldn't...
Dancing to my music. That's my favorite!
Hiding in the laundry basket (my second favorite thing).

Then after my nap Mama did the dishes while I ate my snack.
Then Mama tickled my head with the head tickler. 

I played with Grandma!

We played the in-out game.
Then Daddy came home. He was feeling sick so...
I hugged him!
Hanging out before bed time.

And that's her day. Wouldn't it be nice to be so carefree? Just play all day and sleep? Really this is just an excuse to have lots of adorable pictures for Oma and Opa (my parents) who haven't seen her in a few weeks. You're welcome Oma and Opa! 

Until next time,

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pinbusters introduced

My name is Jillian and it has been 30 minutes since my last pin.

Seriously though, Pinterest is a scary thing some times. I spend far to many nap time hours when I should be scrubbing or cooking, looking for ways to scrub or cook on Pinterest instead. That being said there are some fantastic ideas on there. And, conversely, some not so fantastic ideas. I'm going to, on occasion, do something I like to call "Pinbusters" like Mythbusters, but with pins. I'm not going to commit to a certain day of the week etc, I have far too many ideas to pin to spend my time actually doing them! Without further ado, here is Pinbusters Episode 1.

So, last year when it got icy my husband, Pat continually bought deicer for the car. Let me take a second to mention that this wonderful man scrapes my car for me every morning I go to work. Even when he leaves before me, I come out in the morning to a ice free car.

Anyway, I digress. The point is it was the first frost of the season and the deicer had not been purchased. I didn't want Pat going to the store to get deicer at 10:00pm so I turned to the most wonderful of nearly-holy websites (that's Pinterest, for those of you who may not have been paying attention) and looked for a DIY version. I stumbled across this:

2 parts vinegar
1 part water

Spray on the night before and supposedly in the morning you have an ice free car. It's even supposed to last until the next strong rain! Too good to be true right? Right. 

This is the sight that greeted me in the morning. Pat even scraped the car when he left at 6 then I had to scrape it again at 7:45. Oh and PS, the car still smells like vinegar...on the inside!

This pin? Busted!

PS Should you want to follow my obsession on Pinterest my boards can be found here

Thursday, November 8, 2012

What To Do With a Bored Baby Girl

We are living with my in-laws. Something we are extremely greatful for, but all those involved are a little tired of. Part of the issue with sharing space is that there really isn't a way to baby proof the livingroom without a whole lot of moving things into spaces no one has available. So... That means I get a little tired of saying "no," don't touch that," "yuck! What are you eating?!" So yesterday found me on Pinterest  frantically (I mean, she was literally on my lap squirming towards certain death) searching for a 10 month old friendly activity. Painting? too messy. Sensory bins? Really? And tell her not to eat any of it? wasn't that the point of finding a new activity? to avoid that conversation? Then I found it. Two ingredients=1 hour of baby fun! Shaving cream plus food coloring.

Hello bath paints! Here's the original post. I take no credit for the idea, except that I did discover that it works just fine with gel shaving cream, you just have to whip the heck out of it.

Ok, now for the fun. Enjoy the pictures! I know, I know, the phone camera... Stupid camera...

Unsure at first...

"OK momma... You say this is fun..."

I helped her get started. Mostly I just wanted to touch it too!

"OK, now I get it!"

I'm sorry, but is she not adorable!?

Such focus.

"OK Momma, time to get out now, right?"
That's my hand saying "No no baby! Sit down! Messy! Yucky!"

The best part? Strip her down, hose her off!

As you can see, she's still a little blue on her chest. Oh well! It was well worth it!

SO there you go. 1 Hour of entertainment for you little and you!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How to Make Wiggles a Cheerio Costume

So, did you know that you cannot make a donut shaped pillow without some serious hand sewing? Or by letting things go and not being a perfectionist, which I am N-O-T. Well, it was a long journey towards Halloween stardom, but we made it. And should any of you (hmmm...this implies there are people reading this...) like to make your little into a breakfast cereal, here is the tutorial! That's right, I'm doing my very first tutorial. Be proud.

And with that, off we go!


Cheerio-looking fabric aprox. 3/4 yard (I found some in my stash, no purchas necessary yay!)
Brown paper bag (for a pattern).
good sharp scissors
Batting (I cheated and used the stuffing from an old $3.00 pillow from walmart)
White thread
Sewing machine (sorry to state the obvious, but you never know)

Step 1: Measuring the Little to be Costumed

Measure your little from collar to belt-line. This is the diameter of your cheerio. Wiggles was 9". Next, measure from the nipple-line to the top of your little's sholder and double it for the strap length. Wiggles was about 9 inches there as well.

Step 2: Making the Pattern

Cut open your brown paper bag and put a dot in the middle. This is going to be the middle of your cheerio. Measure 4.5" (1/2 of my 9" diameter. The "radius" if you remember your 3rd grade math) out from the dot about every 2 inches or so. Then scetch in the circle. make a smaller circle in the middle the same way. My Diameter for the small circle was 3" (making the radius 1.5"). 

Next you will need to measure the strap pattern. (my pattern was 9"x2.5") 

...and the tie pattern (mine was 1.5"x10").

Step 3: Cutting the Mess of Pieces Out.

You will need:
4 cheerios
4 straps
8 ties
See? Cheerio! I know, stupid phone pictures!
Some one tell Santa I would love a good camera that
takes decent pictures for Christmas. I've been good, I promise!
Strap and ties
Step 4: The Sewing of the Beast, I mean Adorable Cheerio.

Remember: Wrong sides together!

Start with the straps. You only need to sew the two long sides as it will be neatly (ha) tucked into the cheerio part. Turn it right side in. Iron press or be lazy like me and finger crease (much like a piece of paper).
See me sewing wrong sides together? Good job me.

Turned and ready!

Finger pressed. Ooh Ahh!
 Next sew the ties. You will need to sew these on three sides. Turn right side out. I had to use a pencil to get them to turn right.
Put the closed end onto the pencil and shimmy it down until it's turned right side out.
I sewed a line down the middle so the wouldn't roll funny.

So hears where it gets confusing. You will have to lay out the two straps and two of the four ties like mine below EXCEPT (!!!) I did it funny and I forgot to take a new picture. The straps need to match the outside of the circle, NOT parallel as shown below! Beware! 

When you have layed out your straps and ties place the second circle on top of the ties and straps. Remember, wrong sides together. Sew around the outside of the circle LEAVEING A 2-3 INCH GAP AT IN THE SEAM! (sorry for the yelling, it's just really really important).

When you are done with this seam turn it trough the 2-3 inch hole

The mess. Don't worry, not so bad.

Now switch your machine from the straight stitch to the zigzag stitch. and go around the inside circle as close to the edge as possible. Here is where a perfectionist might have hand stitched around the  inside circle. As I mentioned before, this does not apply to me.

See the zigzag? Don't forget to switch your machine back to straight for the next part.

Ok, Now you're going to do the same this for the other side. Lay cheerio 3 right side up on the table. place ties on the outside edge and put the other end of the straps on the outside edge. The trick part is that the entire costume must be inside the two layers to make this work. Sandwich the whole thing in cheerio cut-out number 4. it should look like a big puffy circle. CAREFULLY sew around the outside taking care not to catch any of the costume inside the circle. I used a TON of pins. Don't be shy.

Step 5: The Stuffing Part

now fluff your batting and stuff it in! Fill it fuller than you think as it will squish down as your little wears it. Do this to both sides.
That it the bottom corner is the stinky walmart pillow I used. Don't judge.

Step 6: The Unavoidable Hand stitching (sorry guys, there's no way around this).

You now must get out a needle and thread. I know, I know, it's slow, but as stated, there really isn't a better way to do it. Plus, lets be honest, it doesn't take that long.

All you have to do is whip stitch it closed. If you don't know what that means, youtube is a beautiful thing. Seriously. I could try to describe it, but it's so much better to see it.

Yes, yes, I actually did this by hand. You can make it too! I promise!

Step 7: The Admiration

Stand back and marvel about how cute it its! Then go show your husband, who will also tell you how wonderful it is (he will not however say it is cute, not a manly enough word, don't expect it).

Voila! It is finished!
Thanks brother-in-law for holding it for the picture.

Now all you have to do it fill it with an adorable little, which I just happen to have! See? I also put her in a white turtleneck and white pajama pants and added a spoon for good measure.

Wiggles and Daddy excited for trick-or-treating! It was Daddy's first time too!
So there it is. My first tutorial. Enjoy!